Payton (4 1/2 months), Dylan (10 1/2 months), Dominick (3 1/2), Gwen (same), Graelyn (11 months), Landon (10 months)
Gwen and Dominick go to Ms. Kathy's you can see...they are BIG buds:)
Riding the train at the zoo...Dominick has just returned from Disneyworld complete with the Mickey tatoo...someday I'm sure he'll have Gwen's name below Mickey's head:)
Takin' a ride on the stagecoach complete with fruit snacks.
Everybody was kung-foo fightin'
OK, so then, as we're leaving the "Texas" area we run into none other than The Margs! (and her parents of course!) How lucky were we!!! It was not only exciting to see this sweet girl but it was even more exciting to introduce "blog buddies" as I like to call friend Kim (see KJ) stalks, I mean reads my friend Rebekah's sister Sarah's blog (see favorites for all)...actually Sarah's my friend too...just for was super fun to introduce these blog we'll have to do a McDonald's trip for sure! (no Chickfila because, if you're keeping up, the Margs is allergic to peanuts...stupid Chickfila...seriously).
Anyway, random fun times at the zoo!